Gloria knows how to party at arena debut

HOT NIGHT IN THE CITY: Gloria Estefan’s Millennium Concert not only marked the new year, but also the opening of the AmericanAirlines Arena. The show also set the stage for Estefan’s world tour.

Despite a few hitches, AmericanAirlines Arena opens with a little of the past, a little of the future

Friday’s inauguration of the AmericanAirlines Arena was chaotic outside, euphoric inside and downright luxurious in a practice area normally reserved for the Miami Heat, where a preconcert party took place for a group of some 600 VIP guests.

But at 10:30 p.m. sharp – in an entrance perfectly synchronized for an international broadcast – Gloria Estefan took the stage, dressed in black bell-bottoms, surrounded by a troupe of eight dancers all clad in 1970s disco gear and illuminated by a giant, gyrating disco ball.

The opening medley, covering a variety of style and rhythms, was the perfect way to end the millennium: a visit to the past, a walk through the Latin side (with Estefan singing in Spanish and English) and, most of all, a reason to party. The medley included Heaven’s What I Feel.

Sure, there was an arena to open, with a ceremony headed by Miami-Dade Mayor Alex Penelas and Miami Mayor Joe Carollo, but this was a celebration of another sort.

"We love Gloria, the kids love music, and it’s a fun, up way to bring in the new millennium," gushed Eileen Youtie, who came to the show with her two young children, mother and husband in tow. And like so many in the new arena this night, Youtie had a Gloria story to tell. It turns out her husband, Phillip Youtie, owner of David’s Bridal, sold Estefan her wedding gown 20 years ago. That sense of familiarity with Miami’s best-known singer is what brought many to the areny.

If it seemed an unconventional place to great the new year, the crowd seemed willing to buck tradition, dressing in everything from tuxedos and plumed hats to jeans and stiletto heels. The only problem was, there wasn’t enough of them to fill the place, which was approximately 80 percent full.

A ticket broker who gave his name as Joe said: "How’s it going? I’ll tell you: $1,500 seats are going for $200 ... $150 seats are going for $20."

But even those who bought tickets at face value weren’t guaranteed a view of the stage. Several hundred fans who purchased tickets for $350 to $500 complained they couldn’t see the performers.

Still, a general sense of goodwill pervaded. In Estefan’s VIP party, champagne ran out, although food was outrageously abundant. But in the arena’s halls, bubbly was given away. Patrons chatted, and dads smiled pleasantly despite having forked over in excess of a grand to get the kids in the show.

The arena’s polite personnel contributed to the sense of well-being, but glitches were inevitable. Phone lines were not up inside the building, prices for everything but the champagne were steep ($2.75 for a small coke) and just getting to the place was an ordeal – at least for the ordinary folks who did not have VIP passes.

But, as Estefan pointed out, the reason to be here was to celebrate the year 2000, a fine, round number. And, in truth, for a couple of hours, she turned a sterile arena into a cozy little fete.

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Ein ganz spezieller Dank an Amanda Warnock. Du bist eine wirklich wundervolle Freundin!!!
A special Thank You to Amanda Warnock. You are a really wonderful friend!!!



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